Question 4.2 PROTOTYPING For for concept drawings, please go to:

Prototype for Concept D: "IT'S IN THE BAG"

Prototype for Concept F: "VISA"

Please note that earlier concepts did not use a yellow ring (from an electric tooth brush personalizing identifier ring.) During exercise 3.3, I became aware of the importance of securing the 3.5 mm ear bud plug. So in this iteration, I added a way to keep the plug stable.  I am now thinking of spray painting the dead credit card to help it be more easily identified the backpack or bag.

Prototype for Concept I: "BLOX" now "Rubber Buddy"


When I tried to purchase some plastic baby blocks to modify to make my prototype, I was unable to find any such item although I went to several well-stocked stores.  Hence, I altered my concept to a different artifact with similar characteristics: a plastic toy large enough to hold a set of ear-buds inside, and flexible enough so that I can create an opening in the cavity using a utility knife. Besides the similarities to the other toy, this rubber ducky has a larger WOW factor, and is more brightly colored, another user need. Please note the yellow ring stabilizes the ear-buds to prevent tangles, while the plug inserted from the inside through the air-vent assures no tangles.
This Concept name is now "Rubber Buddy". Please watch the slide show below to understand how "Rubber Buddy" works.

    Hi! I'm Sue

    I'm especially interested in product evaluation and concept selection.


    November 2013

